Customer Testimonials

Read what our customers say about Toner Brokers customer service . . .

Legal Firm

Mark, your delivery service is exceptional. You have never let us down when we needed a toner cartridge in an emergency. Thank you for your continued support to our business.

Major Car Dealership

Mark, we have been dealing with your company for two years now and in all that time you have managed to deliver our toner supplies within 3 hours.

Having so many printers throughout our dealerships we are very conscious of the running costs.

Your brokerage service is unique and you certainly saved us thousands of dollars over the years.

Engineering Firm

We can’t say enough about Toner Brokers.

Their delivery service is fast and their brokered pricing is much lower than what we used to be paying.

Mark is very professional and we wish him much success in his business.


In our industry printing is critical to our operation, we were so glad when Toner Brokers approached our company and offered to broker pricing on all our toner and ink supplies. Toner brokers were much cheaper that what we were paying and we had no hesitation in changing our supplier and going with Toner Brokers.

Their delivery service is very fast, on average within 2 hours.


We are a small legal firm and we don’t have the time to shop around for toner pricing, Mark provides an excellent delivery service and prices that we are very happy with.

Accounting Firm

Congratulations Mark on an excellent business concept.

When you approached our company and offered to provide a brokered price list on all our consumables we initially thought that your pricing would not compete with our current national supplier who we had been doing business for over 5 years.

We were pleasantly surprised when we did the price comparison to find that your pricing was around 25% lower. We would not hesitate to recommend your service to anyone looking for great prices and a super fast delivery service.

National Cleaning Group

Mark, we just want to say how happy we are to have you as our preferred supplier of toners for our fleet of printers. Although our Head Office is located in Sydney, your next day delivery service is amazing.

Our toners normally arrive mid morning the next day, allowing us to distribute the toners to our metro sites.

We can’t understand how your prices can be so much lower even including the delivery charges.

Your overnight delivery is faster than what we were getting from a local supplier!

We would not hesitate to recommend your service to anyone!

Flower Gift Shop

Mark although we only have one printer we really appreciate your professional service. You deliver our toner within 2 hours and even help to install the cartridges for us. We can’t say enough about your service and professional approach.